Ready to buy your first home?  Assistance is here from step by step guidance in applying for finance, to the daunting process of putting down a deposit.  No need to guess about cooling off periods, terms of conditional approval, off the plan purchase, or what is a deposit guarantee……..all these terms will be explained.  You will be guided through the process with efficient and timely communication, that will cover all facets of your transaction.

Wanting to own an investment property?  No problem, you will be introduced to the right sources that can provide the advice and statistics you need, to make an informed decision.  Your budget will be analysed and taken into consideration, in order for you to ascertain your financial position, and readiness for the investment you seek.  Thinking of investing overseas but not sure?  Again the right experts can be consulted for your options and the feasibility of your plan.

If you are needing to expand or start a new operation, but you are not sure if you qualify, don’t make the mistake of just applying without preparation.  It is wise to discuss your situation with a finance professional, or you could limit your potential for credit and jeopardize your credit altogether.  Lodging an unsuitably prepared application would be a mistake that could cost you.  A logical and detailed business plan is a great start, as lenders would like to see you demonstrate a good plan of direction and strategy.  We can assist you.

There are different options with car financing, either privately or for business use.  Novated lease is an option where you can have an arrangement via your employer,  or you may find Hire Purchase is right for you provided the use is primarily for business.  Personal loans or unsecured lending as they are referred to, can also differ as to terms and rates being offered.  We have the lenders at our disposal that are right for your situation.

You may find more options with Equipment Finance than you realized as opposed to utilizing your bricks and mortar property as security.  There are many lenders offering these kind of loans from office equipment fit outs, to outdoor heavy equipment.

Whether you are seeking to debt consolidate, get a better deal, buy a new home, or renovate…….you need advice on loan structuring and products, in order to make the right informed choice for yourself.  It’s always wise to consult a professional than to go it alone.  Without the right information to accurately compare lender and product, you could make decisions that could turn out costly.  There are many pitfalls to avoid when structuring your loans, your bank will not consider these in order to avoid setting you up for additional fees.  We know what you need to consider, and how to go about achieving the best outcome.

It is important to understand many facets of acceptable criteria with construction.  When and how funds are released by your lender, is of fundamental importance when dealing with construction companies.  If you are thinking of building your own home, there are many land and home packages available, but the wise consumer consults a finance professional in case you have not been given all the facts.

Your choice of lender will greatly depend on the property itself.  Not all lenders offer the same flexibility and loan size, or acceptable security.  So a discussion with a professional is imperative before making the decision to buy a commercial property.  The right advice can save you money and avoid lots of headaches. Nothing worse than finding out lenders are not willing to provide the loan you need, for the security you have just signed a contract to buy.

Wondering if this option is right for you?  Explaining how these loans operate is part of a comprehensive professional service.  You need to understand how it affects your equity and whether it’s the right time for your situation and lifestyle choice.   By putting you in contact with the right financial planners, and legal representatives that have the trained understanding, you will have peace of mind and be able to decide if this option is for you.

Do you know how they work?  Or wondering if you should use yours?  They can be used to your advantage and borrowed against to provide a loan.  However product specifications vary, so it is advisable to speak with a professional who can provide the accurate information.  Before making the decision, we can also direct you to consult with an experienced financial planner.

Not all lenders offer this facility, but it is a type of loan that allows you to borrow money to invest, by using your existing shares, managed funds and/or cash as security.  Parameters vary and it is important to consider carefully, consulting a professional.  We also can direct you to an experienced financial planner to further discuss.

These are loan products available at a lower loan to value ratio, that means putting down a larger deposit than regular residential loans.  Providing you can show acceptable servicing and satisfy lending guidelines, you may qualify and be eligible to purchase property in Australia.  Experience in packaging these loan proposals, is important when discussing with a professional. Of equal importance is discussing with an experienced legal representative, and tax expert, particularly if you divide your time in Australia and overseas.

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DEBT ISSUES –  Applying for finance to get out of debt, must be approached carefully.  It is not always straight forward, and there are many pitfalls that could end up making a bad situation worse.   It is risky to approach blindly, without understanding how an application can impact your credit.  We have the right contacts to assist you.  It is important to consult a professional, that can guide you with the right type of lender and product actually equipped to deal with your situation.  Don’t just walk into your local bank and expect them to help you because you’ve always banked with them………you will only risk making your situation a lot more complicated!

CREDIT ISSUES – Are you looking at a bad credit report?  Do you have a debt that should not be listed?  There are many reasons why your credit could be impacting you negatively, this must be addressed with the help of professionals.  Many good credit repair agencies can assist in getting your life back on track, consult with us for help.  It is important to speak with a professional first, we simply understand credit and we deal with reliable and pro-active credit repair experts that will work with us to help clear your credit.  Take the step to move forward instead of being stuck in a no win situation.


TAX ISSUES – Problems with tax are not uncommon, particularly for business people.  There are myriads of reasons why companies can find themselves on the wrong end of the ATO.  Don’t despair and waste valuable time that could impact your business further.  Consult with us, we have professionals we deal with that can assist you.  You may end up with bad credit if you delay, and this will make things even harder.  Worse still, you could end up being forced to close down by the ATO, unless you find a viable option to catch up your tax debt.  Let us look at the options that exist for your situation, and salvage your livelihood.

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